Joint Venture Company Registration Procedure in Bangladesh

Joint Venture Company Registration in Bangladesh for opening business of local and foreign entrepreneurs and jointly operating the company activities into Bangladesh.  Now, Bangladesh is one of the most emerging economical growths of the Asian countries and the world for cheap labour cost and some lucrative business into the globe, so enthusiastic foreign investors are coming here to invest on different kinds of business sector of Bangladesh. First of all, foreign entrepreneurs open 100% foreign owned limited company or joint venture Company in Bangladesh. Joint Venture Company means there foreign entrepreneurs and local entrepreneurs both jointly operating the business and paid up his/her equity investment of the company. RJSC is the only legal authority to issue company’s registration/ Incorporation certificate in Bangladesh and monitoring all kinds of legal matters into the country. To know more about RJSC activities.

Potential Business Sectors in Bangladesh:

There are huge lucrative businesses are laying here on for investing business capital and to earn profit on the respective business. Now the most of potential business sectors in Bangladesh are private business where local and foreign entrepreneurs are investing their capital for doing trading, manufacturing, exporting, importing business and so on.  There leading business sectors are frozen food, potato export, sea food, Handicrafts, readymade garments, jute products, IT sector, shrimp lobster & eel fish, Hotel & rest house, food processing plants, agriculture, leisure hospitality & truism sector. Now, World’s renowned chain company set up Branch Office, Liaison Office or Regional Office in Bangladesh. Know more about Potential Business Sectors in Bangladesh.

Procedure of Joint Venture Company Registration Procedure in Bangladesh.

For starting Joint venture company registration, at first needs to collect company’s name clearance certificate from RJSC. After collecting name clearance certificate we prepare company’s Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association. Foreign share holder’s equity investment coming from overseas country for equity investment of the Joint Venture Company Registration at RJSC.

Basically, Company has two types; one is public limited company and another private limited company. Public limited company has to at least 7(Seven) Directors or share holders and highest unlimited number (limited by shares) Directors or shareholders of the company. Public limited company can collect share money form share market by selling share however privet limited company has no right to sell share in share bazaar or stock exchange of Bangladesh.

Company Formation and Company Incorporation is the same meaning of company registration at RJSC (Office of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms) in Bangladesh. The first step of company registration is Name clearance of the company’s introduced name of the company from RJSC, if RJSC accept the name of the company, RJSC will issue a company name clearance certificate of the then we start next steps to make Company’s Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association for taking company incorporation/ company registration from RJSC in Bangladesh. In general, Limited Company (Limited by share) has two types; one is public limited and another is private limited company. Private limited company has to at least 2(two) Directors or share holders and highest 50 (Fifty) Directors or shareholders into (Company’s Managing Director and Chairman also director of the company) the company. The privet limited company has three categories, such as local company, foreign company and Joint Venture Company. Foreign company means (100% foreign share owned company) where 100 %  Directors or shareholders are overseas country’s citizen, joint venture company their Bangladeshi shareholders and foreign shareholders  are jointly invest business capital and operating the business and sharing risk, business developments, profit & loss of the company by setting up limited company by joint Venture Company registration at RJSC. The local company means there cent percent Directors or share holders are Bangladeshi citizen. For preparing foreign company (100%  share owned by overseas citizen) locally registration at RJSC needs some information to make Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association which mentioned on it. A list of essential information that’s needed for developing a Joint Venture Company Memorandum  of Association & Articles of Association.

Flowing information needed for Joint Venture Company Formation in Bangladesh.

  • Submit a company name for Name Clearance of proposed company’s name at RJSC
  • Collect Name clearance certificate which issued by RJSC
  • All Shareholders, Directors, Chairman and Managing Director’s Name
  • All Shareholders, Directors, Chairman and Managing Director’s Address
  • TIN Certificate  for Bangladeshi (Taxpayer’s identification Number) not applicable for overseas citizen
  • NID Card (Voter ID card) of Bangladeshi citizen
  • Cell Phone Number of all Shareholders, Directors, Chairman and Managing Director’s
  • Email Account of all Shareholders, Directors, Chairman and Managing Director’s
  • Must be mentioned number of shares belonging each Shareholder, Director, Chairman and Managing Director’s
  • To be mentioned qualifying share of company Directors
  • To be mentioned who are the Shareholder, Director, Chairman and Managing Director of the company
  • To indicate Company’s paid up capital and Authorized capital
  • Passport Number (mandatory for overseas citizen) alternative of Bangladeshi citizen not having National ID Card.
  • Must be assured foreign investment of foreigner.
  • Joint Venture Agreement of Joint Venture Company.

After preparing Memorandum & Articles of Association of the company must pay Govt. fees and to submit Memorandum & Articles of Association to the RJSC. The RJSC must be scrutinized all the (submitted papers) documents and information by following company act.1994 and enlisted company registration and issues incorporation certificate. The RJSC is the only legal authority of monitoring company registration, company return filling, Company share transfer, Share allotment/ share increase and other activities. At present, Bangladesh government cordially encourage to national, multinational, foreign and local enthusiastic entrepreneurs to invest their business capital to invest on country’s lucrative business sector for growing handsome benefit all the way. RJSC also enlisted foreign company as Representative Office/ Branch Office has to deposit of USD 50,000 on company’s account or equivalent like estimated primary development cost and business running cost must be coming from foreign country to Bangladesh. Branch office has no legal right to involve any kinds of profitable business activities.

After receiving Company Incorporation Certification we collect company’s Trade License to start company business for small scale. For commencing import and export business at first we need to collect Export Registration Certificate and Import Registration Certificate to start international business with foreign countries. VAT Registration Certificate (Value Added Tax) and TIN Certificate (Taxpayer’s Identification Number) are the most useful documents for local, international and multinational business and some particular business has to be required of respective ministry permission of the Government.

Author: Aman123