Potato Export from Bangladesh

Potato is one of the most usable food and vegetables in cooking item into the world however, most of the countries are not good enough environment for producing potato, it is also a variety of vegetable usage all over the globe, Bangladesh is not exception that.  Now potato export from Bangladesh is one of the most profitable businesses.

Now Bangladesh is one of the leading potatoes exporting country into the world its favorable climate helps to yield high quality potato into the global market. Potato exporting is a profitable business so local or foreign entrepreneurs could start this business, it may partnership or limited business company business because of little bit large capital needed here though proprietorship business also possible. If two or more entrepreneurs want to start an export oriented business in Bangladesh, at first set up partnership or limited company by registration at RJSC (The Registrar of Joint Stock Company Registrar and Firms). RJSC is the only legal authority of Limited company and Partnership business monitoring body.  How to Register a Company in Bangladesh from RJSC ?

Setting up a potato exporting business in Bangladesh at first steps (Limited Company or Partnership business)

  1. Select a suitable name of the company
  2. Prepare company’s Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association
  3. Paying all fees of company registration cost of RJSC
  4. Getting Incorporation certificate from RJSC ( completing Limited company registration by RJSC)
  5. To collect Trade License
  6. TIN (Tax Payer’s Identification Number) Certificate of The company
  7. Membership of respective business Association
  8. Export Registration Certificate
  9. VAT (Value Added Tax) Certificate
  10. Membership of Bangladesh Potato Exporters Association

Potato is now the second staple food item of Bangladesh and per-person potato consumption rose day by day. Potato is widely appreciated and used in dishes cooked in restaurants, hotels and at home it is the most usable ingredient in European, American and Asian cuisine its most popular dishes are French fries, potato salad, potato mesh, potato chips, potato pancakes, potato mixed curry it can also be eaten as raw when boiled or masala mixed boiled potato specially for Indian and South Asian sub-continental dish.

At present Bangladesh Govt. wants to make professionalism of potato and other vegetable items for increasing export quantity and earning foreign currency.


According to the last statistics of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in 2013, Bangladesh achieved the seventh rank with 8.6 million tones of potato production. However, China, India, Russia, Ukraine, USA and Germany were ahead of Bangladesh. “Potato has become a cash crop in Bangladesh where the farmers have been producing the high quality and tasty varieties of potato,” According to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), Bangladesh produced 92.54 million tones of potatoes in fiscal year 2014.

Bangladesh is expected to export huge quantity of high quality potato to Russia, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Nepal, Middle East and other countries to earn huge foreign exchange to benefit the nation as well as farmers like last couple of  years. In accordance to a recent survey, it is considered the fourth biggest food crop following the Wheat, Rice and Maize.

Author: Aman123