Company Formation Procedure in Bangladesh

Company Formation Procedure in Bangladesh is not complex process. If you want to open a limited company business in Bangladesh, at first you select a good name for your proposed company then submit to RJSC for collecting Name Clearance Certificate.

Afterword we prepare company’s Memorandum of Association and Articles of association and pay Govt. fees of the company formation at selected Bank of RJSC (Office of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms) in Bangladesh. Company Formation and Company Registration are same meaning of company registration at RJSC in Bangladesh. To know more about RJSC.

If RJSC approved the name of the company; we will get a company Name Clearance Certificate then start next pace to make Company’s Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association for Company Registration at RJSC in Bangladesh.

Company formation first step is Name Clearance of the company’s name (proposed Company) from RJSC, if RJSC approved the name of the company; we will get a company name clearance

RJSC approved the name of the company; we will get a company name clearance Certificate then start next pace to make Company’s Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association for submitting papers to RJSC.

In general, Company has two types; one is public limited company and another is Privet limited company. Privet limited company has to 2(two) Directors or Shareholders and highest 50 (Fifty) Directors or Shareholders into the company.  Public limited company has to minimum 7 (seven) and highest unlimited Shareholders / Directors limited by shares. Three kinds of Privet limited company existing into the country such as local company, foreign company and Joint Venture Company. Foreign company means 100% (Company registered office in Bangladesh) share holders are foreign country’s citizen; joint venture company means there local shareholders and foreign shareholders are jointly operating the company, pay equity investment of paid up capital, sharing risk and profit & loss of the business. Local company means total investment and whole shareholders are Bangladeshi citizen.

For preparing a limited company Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association needs some information which mentioned on it. A list of information which is needed to prepare for privet limited, public limited, Joint Venture Company and foreign company’s Memorandum & Articles of Association.

Company Formation Procedure in Bangladesh

  • Apply for company’s name (proposed Company) at RJSC
  • Company’s Name clearance certificate
  • Directors & Shareholders Name
  • Directors & Shareholders Date of Birth
  • Directors & Share holders Address
  • Directors & Shareholders TIN (Taxpayer’s Identification Number).
  • Director & Share holders (Voter ID Card) National ID Card
  • All Directors & Share holder’s Cell / Mobile Phone Number
  • Directors & Share holders Email Account
  • To be mentioned all Directors and Shareholders number of share
  • To be mentioned qualifying share of Directors
  • To be mentioned who are the Director, Chairman and Managing Director, Shareholder of

the company.

  • To be mentioned Company’s Authorized capital and Paid up capital or
  • (Business Capital).

Preparing Memorandum & Articles of Association to pay Govt. fees and certified copy of Memorandum & Articles of Association. Name clearance certificate is first step of company registration process. If you commence a company business into the country, the first step is select a meaningful name of your proposed company and to pay Bank deposit at selected bank and collect name clearance certificate of (LLC) limited liability company from RJSC in Bangladesh. At present, Bangladesh government cordially encourage foreign and local Enthusiastic entrepreneur to invest our country’s profitable business sector. There are huge lucrative sector laying here for investing business capital and earning bountiful profit in many ways.

Prospective Business Sectors in Bangladesh:

There leading business sector are frozen food, sea food, readymade garments, jute products, IT sector, shrimp lobster & eel fish, food processing industry, agriculture, leisure hospitality & truism sector to attract foreign, joint venture, and national and multinational entrepreneur to invest their investment for growing handsome benefit all the way. Foreign, International and Multinational entrepreneurs can open lucrative business in Bangladesh by company registration with RJSC as like Foreign Company, Joint Venture Company or set up Branch Office, Liaison Office or Regional Office in Bangladesh. Know more about Prospective Business Sectors in Bangladesh.

Author: Aman123