Agro Products and Foods Business in Bangladesh is one of the most popular businesses in present days. Now educated and young entrepreneurs are involving in this business with using modern technologies and well equipped machineries for producing more crops & grains into the limited land of our country. Three to Four crops yield in a year and six season of climatic position in Bangladesh that’s why whole year is arable of agricultural works.
Large number workers are busy in agriculture for producing crops & grains, vegetables, fruits such as rice, white, potato etc. There have huge potentialities of agro-based firm like animal rearing, Livestock, animal fattening, fisheries, Goat farm, poultry, commercial gardening, agro-based food processing industries and so on. Some favorable agricultural elements available into the country like fertile soil, cheap labour cost, essay irrigation, sunny weather, no snow dropping area, river availability and many more for cultivation and the best cropping.
Now Bangladesh is the fourth largest rice and seventh largest potato producing country in the globe. Our farmer grows many seasonal and tropical fruits like mango, pineapple, jackfruit, lichi, palm that’s production excided our local demand for this reason farmer suffering huge losses from the cost of production of goods. Now essential to set-up agro & food processing plant to make different kinds of foods to preserve long time. Few foreign company establish agro processing plant to export potato and frozen shrimp to world market. Russia is main potato importer country of Bangladesh.
Some local processed food manufacturing industries are trying to meet local & foreign demand including Milk Vita, Bengal, Fresh, Squire and others. The agro and processed food is a growing business sector in the country however huge investment needed to establish modern industry. Day by day local and international demand is increasing however, lack of production & supply not meet the growing market. So need to set-up new technology, machinery and development of products to expand the US, EU and Middle East market. Bangladeshi shrimp and lobsters demand is very much high in the EU market.
How to register your business in Bangladesh
Two or more entrepreneurs want to establish Agro Products & Foods business in Bangladesh. Generally for opening a business, firstly start a Partnership Firm Registration or Limited Company Registration at RJSC (Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms). Single owner also can start Proprietorship Business taking Trade License from municipal Authority or City Corporation office in Town or City and rural area Upozila council or Union Council. Foreign and Local entrepreneurs can jointly operate a limited company that’s Joint Venture Company Registration from RJSC. Bangladeshi shareholders and foreign shareholders invest their equity investment or business capital and operating the business and sharing risk, business developments and profit & loss. There is no restriction of foreign investment by the percentage limitation. Moreover, only foreign entrepreneurs can open company by investing 100% own Foreign Company Registration at RJSC there whole business capital or investment coming from foreign country.
Getting Company Registration Certificate (Incorporation Certificate) from RJSC then we collect Company’s Trade License, Company’s TIN certificate to commence Agro Products and Foods business. If we want to start export of Agro goods and agro foods to Middle East, EU and the US market at that stage, have to collect the Export Registration Certificate because of highly demandable of Indian food and Bangladeshi food Restaurant Business needs Bangladeshi agro foods, Vegetables & agro goods. Sometimes we import our essential commodities like Onion, Wheat, Oil, Sugar and others at this moment have to take the Import Registration Certificate for importing necessary goods from foreign country to Bangladesh. VAT Certificate (Value Added Tax) is another essential business documents not only for Agro & Food Business nearly all other businesses needed this certificate for deducting VAT at source.
At present Bangladesh is the fourth largest inland / fresh water fish producing country into the world. Bangladeshi farmer cultivating (Agro-fishing food) the best quality shrimp and fresh water fish such as Hilsha, Eel, Prawn, Crab, Shrimp, Lobster and many more. Shrimps, our main frozen foods item, has large consumer in Japan, European (EU) and USA market which demand increasing day by day around the world.